Source code for lhotse.dataset.cut_transforms.reverberate

import random
from typing import List, Optional

from lhotse import CutSet, RecordingSet

[docs]class ReverbWithImpulseResponse: """ A transform on batch of cuts (``CutSet``) that convolves each cut with an impulse response with some probability :attr:`p`. The impulse response is chosen randomly from a specified CutSet of RIRs :attr:`rir_cuts`. If no RIRs are specified, we will generate them using a fast random generator ( If `early_only` is set to True, convolution is performed only with the first 50ms of the impulse response. """
[docs] def __init__( self, rir_recordings: Optional[RecordingSet] = None, p: float = 0.5, normalize_output: bool = True, randgen: random.Random = None, preserve_id: bool = False, early_only: bool = False, rir_channels: List[int] = [0], ) -> None: self.rir_recordings = list(rir_recordings) if rir_recordings is not None else [] self.p = p self.normalize_output = normalize_output self.random = randgen self.preserve_id = preserve_id self.early_only = early_only self.rir_channels = rir_channels
def __call__(self, cuts: CutSet) -> CutSet: if self.random is None: self.random = random.Random() return CutSet.from_cuts( cut.reverb_rir( rir_recording=self.random.choice(self.rir_recordings) if self.rir_recordings else None, normalize_output=self.normalize_output, early_only=self.early_only, affix_id=not self.preserve_id, rir_channels=self.rir_channels, ) if self.random.random() <= self.p else cut for cut in cuts )