Source code for lhotse.features.base

import logging
import multiprocessing
import pickle
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, is_dataclass
from itertools import chain, islice
from math import isclose
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from import tqdm

from import Recording
from lhotse.augmentation import AugmentFn
from import FeaturesWriter, get_reader
from lhotse.lazy import AlgorithmMixin
from lhotse.serialization import LazyMixin, Serializable, load_yaml, save_to_yaml
from lhotse.utils import (

[docs] class FeatureExtractor(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ The base class for all feature extractors in Lhotse. It is initialized with a config object, specific to a particular feature extraction method. The config is expected to be a dataclass so that it can be easily serialized. All derived feature extractors must implement at least the following: * a ``name`` class attribute (how are these features called, e.g. 'mfcc') * a ``config_type`` class attribute that points to the configuration dataclass type * the ``extract`` method, * the ``frame_shift`` property. Feature extractors that support feature-domain mixing should additionally specify two static methods: * ``compute_energy``, and * ``mix``. By itself, the ``FeatureExtractor`` offers the following high-level methods that are not intended for overriding: * ``extract_from_samples_and_store`` * ``extract_from_recording_and_store`` These methods run a larger feature extraction pipeline that involves data augmentation and disk storage. """ name = None config_type = None
[docs] def __init__(self, config: Optional[Any] = None): if config is None: config = self.config_type() assert is_dataclass( config ), "The feature configuration object must be a dataclass." self.config = config
[docs] @abstractmethod def extract(self, samples: np.ndarray, sampling_rate: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Defines how to extract features using a numpy ndarray of audio samples and the sampling rate. :return: a numpy ndarray representing the feature matrix. """ pass
@property @abstractmethod def frame_shift(self) -> Seconds: ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def feature_dim(self, sampling_rate: int) -> int: ...
@property def device(self) -> Union[str, torch.device]: return "cpu"
[docs] @staticmethod def mix( features_a: np.ndarray, features_b: np.ndarray, energy_scaling_factor_b: float ) -> np.ndarray: """ Perform feature-domain mix of two signals, ``a`` and ``b``, and return the mixed signal. :param features_a: Left-hand side (reference) signal. :param features_b: Right-hand side (mixed-in) signal. :param energy_scaling_factor_b: A scaling factor for ``features_b`` energy. It is used to achieve a specific SNR. E.g. to mix with an SNR of 10dB when both ``features_a`` and ``features_b`` energies are 100, the ``features_b`` signal energy needs to be scaled by 0.1. Since different features (e.g. spectrogram, fbank, MFCC) require different combination of transformations (e.g. exp, log, sqrt, pow) to allow mixing of two signals, the exact place where to apply ``energy_scaling_factor_b`` to the signal is determined by the implementer. :return: A mixed feature matrix. """ raise ValueError( 'The feature extractor\'s "mix" operation is undefined. ' "It does not support feature-domain mix, consider computing the features " "after, rather than before mixing the cuts." )
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_energy(features: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Compute the total energy of a feature matrix. How the energy is computed depends on a particular type of features. It is expected that when implemented, ``compute_energy`` will never return zero. :param features: A feature matrix. :return: A positive float value of the signal energy. """ raise ValueError( 'The feature extractor\'s "compute_energy" operation is undefined. ' "It does not support feature-domain mix, consider computing the features " "after, rather than before mixing the cuts." )
[docs] def extract_batch( self, samples: Union[ np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, Sequence[np.ndarray], Sequence[torch.Tensor] ], sampling_rate: int, lengths: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, List[np.ndarray], List[torch.Tensor]]: """ Performs batch extraction. It is not guaranteed to be faster than :meth:`FeatureExtractor.extract` -- it depends on whether the implementation of a particular feature extractor supports accelerated batch computation. If `lengths` is provided, it is assumed that the input is a batch of padded sequences, so we will not perform any further collation. .. note:: Unless overridden by child classes, it defaults to sequentially calling :meth:`FeatureExtractor.extract` on the inputs. .. note:: This method *should* support variable length inputs. """ input_is_list = False input_is_torch = False if lengths is not None: feat_lens = [ compute_num_frames_from_samples(l, self.frame_shift, sampling_rate) for l in lengths ] assert isinstance( samples, torch.Tensor ), "If `lengths` is provided, `samples` must be a batched and padded torch.Tensor." else: if isinstance(samples, list): input_is_list = True pass # nothing to do with `samples` elif samples.ndim > 1: samples = list(samples) else: # The user passed an array/tensor of shape (num_samples,) samples = [samples.reshape(1, -1)] if any(isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) for x in samples): samples = [x.numpy() for x in samples] input_is_torch = True result = [] for item in samples: res = self.extract(item, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) if lengths is not None: res = res[: feat_lens[len(result)]] result.append(res) if input_is_torch: result = [torch.from_numpy(x) for x in result] # If all items are of the same shape, concatenate if len(result) == 1: if input_is_list: return result else: return result[0] elif all(item.shape == result[0].shape for item in result[1:]): if input_is_torch: return torch.stack(result, dim=0) else: return np.stack(result, axis=0) else: return result
[docs] def extract_from_samples_and_store( self, samples: np.ndarray, storage: FeaturesWriter, sampling_rate: int, offset: Seconds = 0, channel: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, augment_fn: Optional[AugmentFn] = None, ) -> "Features": """ Extract the features from an array of audio samples in a full pipeline: * optional audio augmentation; * extract the features; * save them to disk in a specified directory; * return a ``Features`` object with a description of the extracted features. Note, unlike in ``extract_from_recording_and_store``, the returned ``Features`` object might not be suitable to store in a ``FeatureSet``, as it does not reference any particular ``Recording``. Instead, this method is useful when extracting features from cuts - especially ``MixedCut`` instances, which may be created from multiple recordings and channels. :param samples: a numpy ndarray with the audio samples. :param sampling_rate: integer sampling rate of ``samples``. :param storage: a ``FeaturesWriter`` object that will handle storing the feature matrices. :param offset: an offset in seconds for where to start reading the recording - when used for ``Cut`` feature extraction, must be equal to ``Cut.start``. :param channel: an optional channel number(s) to insert into ``Features`` manifest. :param augment_fn: an optional ``WavAugmenter`` instance to modify the waveform before feature extraction. :return: a ``Features`` manifest item for the extracted feature matrix (it is not written to disk). """ from import validate_features if augment_fn is not None: samples = augment_fn(samples, sampling_rate) duration = round(samples.shape[1] / sampling_rate, ndigits=8) feats = self.extract(samples=samples, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) storage_key = store_feature_array(feats, storage=storage) manifest = Features( start=offset, duration=duration,, num_frames=feats.shape[0], num_features=feats.shape[1], frame_shift=self.frame_shift, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, channels=channel,, storage_path=str(storage.storage_path), storage_key=storage_key, ) validate_features(manifest, feats_data=feats) return manifest
[docs] def extract_from_recording_and_store( self, recording: Recording, storage: FeaturesWriter, offset: Seconds = 0, duration: Optional[Seconds] = None, channels: Union[int, List[int]] = None, augment_fn: Optional[AugmentFn] = None, ) -> "Features": """ Extract the features from a ``Recording`` in a full pipeline: * load audio from disk; * optionally, perform audio augmentation; * extract the features; * save them to disk in a specified directory; * return a ``Features`` object with a description of the extracted features and the source data used. :param recording: a ``Recording`` that specifies what's the input audio. :param storage: a ``FeaturesWriter`` object that will handle storing the feature matrices. :param offset: an optional offset in seconds for where to start reading the recording. :param duration: an optional duration specifying how much audio to load from the recording. :param channels: an optional int or list of ints, specifying the channels; by default, all channels will be used. :param augment_fn: an optional ``WavAugmenter`` instance to modify the waveform before feature extraction. :return: a ``Features`` manifest item for the extracted feature matrix. """ from import validate_features samples = recording.load_audio( offset=offset, duration=duration, channels=channels, ) if augment_fn is not None: samples = augment_fn(samples, recording.sampling_rate) feats = self.extract(samples=samples, sampling_rate=recording.sampling_rate) storage_key = store_feature_array(feats, storage=storage) manifest = Features(, channels=channels if channels is not None else recording.channel_ids, # The start is relative to the beginning of the recording. start=offset, duration=recording.duration if duration is not None else recording.duration,, num_frames=feats.shape[0], num_features=feats.shape[1], frame_shift=self.frame_shift, sampling_rate=recording.sampling_rate,, storage_path=str(storage.storage_path), storage_key=storage_key, ) validate_features(manifest, feats_data=feats) return manifest
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> "FeatureExtractor": feature_type = data.pop("feature_type") extractor_type = get_extractor_type(feature_type) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences config = extractor_type.config_type.from_dict(data) return extractor_type(config)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: d = self.config.to_dict() d["feature_type"] = # Insert the typename for config readability return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, path: Pathlike) -> "FeatureExtractor": return cls.from_dict(load_yaml(path))
[docs] def to_yaml(self, path: Pathlike): data = self.to_dict() # Some feature extractors might have a "device" field: # to make sure they get nicely serialized to YAML, we will convert # the torch.device object to its string type. # Note: we don't store the device ID (e.g. we change "cuda:1" to "cuda") # so that the config remains valid even if we use it in a separate run # on a different device. if "device" in data and isinstance(data["device"], torch.device): data["device"] = data["device"].type save_to_yaml(data, path=path)
[docs] def get_extractor_type(name: str) -> Type: """ Return the feature extractor type corresponding to the given name. :param name: specifies which feature extractor should be used. :return: A feature extractors type. """ return FEATURE_EXTRACTORS[name]
[docs] def create_default_feature_extractor(name: str) -> "Optional[FeatureExtractor]": """ Create a feature extractor object with a default configuration. :param name: specifies which feature extractor should be used. :return: A new feature extractor instance. """ return get_extractor_type(name)()
[docs] def register_extractor(cls): """ This decorator is used to register feature extractor classes in Lhotse so they can be easily created just by knowing their name. An example of usage: @register_extractor class MyFeatureExtractor: ... :param cls: A type (class) that is being registered. :return: Registered type. """ FEATURE_EXTRACTORS[] = cls return cls
[docs] class TorchaudioFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): """Common abstract base class for all torchaudio based feature extractors."""
[docs] def extract( self, samples: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], sampling_rate: int ) -> np.ndarray: params = asdict(self.config) params.update({"sample_frequency": sampling_rate, "snip_edges": False}) params["frame_shift"] *= 1000.0 params["frame_length"] *= 1000.0 if not isinstance(samples, torch.Tensor): samples = torch.from_numpy(samples) # Torchaudio Kaldi feature extractors expect the channel dimension to be first. if len(samples.shape) == 1: samples = samples.unsqueeze(0) features = self._feature_fn(samples, **params).to(torch.float32) return features.numpy()
def _feature_fn(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() @property def frame_shift(self) -> Seconds: return self.config.frame_shift
[docs] @dataclass(order=True) class Features: """ Represents features extracted for some particular time range in a given recording and channel. It contains metadata about how it's stored: storage_type describes "how to read it", for now it supports numpy arrays serialized with, as well as arrays compressed with lilcom; storage_path is the path to the file on the local filesystem. """ # Useful information about the features - their type (fbank, mfcc) and shape type: str num_frames: int num_features: int frame_shift: Seconds sampling_rate: int # Information about the time range of the features. start: Seconds duration: Seconds # Parameters related to storage - they define how to load the feature matrix. # Storage type defines which features reader type should be instantiated # e.g. 'lilcom_files', 'numpy_files', 'lilcom_hdf5' storage_type: str # Storage path is either the path to some kind of archive (like HDF5 file) or a path # to a directory holding files with feature matrices (exact semantics depend on storage_type). storage_path: str # Storage key is either the key used to retrieve a feature matrix from an archive like HDF5, # or the name of the file in a directory (exact semantics depend on the storage_type). # It can also be raw bytes for compressed arrays held in-memory. storage_key: Union[str, bytes] # Information which recording and channels were used to extract the features. # When ``recording_id`` and ``channels`` are ``None``, it means that the # features were extracted from a cut (e.g. a ``MixedCut``), which might have consisted # of multiple recordings. recording_id: Optional[str] = None channels: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None @property def end(self) -> Seconds: return self.start + self.duration
[docs] def load( self, start: Optional[Seconds] = None, duration: Optional[Seconds] = None, channel_id: Union[int, List[int]] = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: # noinspection PyArgumentList storage = get_reader(self.storage_type)(self.storage_path) left_offset_frames, right_offset_frames = 0, None if start is None: start = self.start # In case the caller requested only a sub-span of the features, trim them. # Left trim if start < self.start - 1e-5: raise ValueError( f"Cannot load features for recording {self.recording_id} starting from {start}s. " f"The available range is ({self.start}, {self.end}) seconds." ) if not isclose(start, self.start): left_offset_frames = compute_num_frames( start - self.start, frame_shift=self.frame_shift, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, ) # Right trim if duration is not None: right_offset_frames = left_offset_frames + compute_num_frames( duration, frame_shift=self.frame_shift, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate ) # Load and return the features (subset) from the storage return self.storage_key, left_offset_frames=left_offset_frames, right_offset_frames=right_offset_frames, )
[docs] def move_to_memory( self, start: Seconds = 0, duration: Optional[Seconds] = None, lilcom: bool = False, ) -> "Features": from import get_memory_writer if self.storage_type in ("memory_lilcom", "memory_writer"): return self # nothing to do arr = self.load(start=start, duration=duration) if issubclass(arr.dtype.type, np.floating) and lilcom: writer = get_memory_writer("memory_lilcom")() else: writer = get_memory_writer("memory_raw")() data = writer.write("", arr) # key is ignored by in memory writers return fastcopy( self, # note: to understand why start is set to zero here, consider two cases: # 1) this method moves the whole array to memory => the start was 0 anyway # 2) this method moves a subset of the array to memory => the manifest is # now relative to the start of that subset, and since it describes the # whole subset, start=0 and duration=self.duration start=0.0, duration=ifnone(duration, self.duration), num_frames=arr.shape[0],, storage_key=data, storage_path="", )
[docs] def with_path_prefix(self, path: Pathlike) -> "Features": return fastcopy(self, storage_path=str(Path(path) / self.storage_path))
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: return asdict_nonull(self)
[docs] def copy_feats(self, writer: FeaturesWriter) -> "Features": """ Read the referenced feature array and save it using ``writer``. Returns a copy of the manifest with updated fields related to the feature storage. """ feats = self.load() new_key = writer.write(self.storage_key, feats) item = fastcopy( self,, storage_path=writer.storage_path, storage_key=new_key, ) return item
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(data: dict) -> "Features": # The "storage_type" check is to ensure that the "data" dict actually contains # the data for a "Features" object, and not something else. # Some Lhotse utilities try to "guess" what is the right object type via trial-and-error, # and would have created a false alarm here. if "frame_shift" not in data and "storage_type" in data: warnings.warn( 'The "frame_shift" field was not found in a feature manifest; ' "we'll try to infer it for now, but you should recreate the manifests." ) data["frame_shift"] = round( data["duration"] / data["num_frames"], ndigits=3 ) if ( "storage_key" in data and "storage_type" in data and "storage_path" not in data ): data["storage_path"] = None return Features(**data)
def __repr__(self): return ( f"Features(" f"type='{self.type}', " f"num_frames={self.num_frames}, " f"num_features={self.num_features}, " f"frame_shift={self.frame_shift}, " f"sampling_rate={self.sampling_rate}, " f"start={self.start}, " f"duration={self.duration}, " f"storage_type='{self.storage_type}', " f"storage_path='{self.storage_path}', " f"storage_key='{self.storage_key if isinstance(self.storage_key, str) else '<binary-data>'}', " f"recording_id='{self.recording_id}', " f"channels={self.channels}" f")" )
[docs] class FeatureSet(Serializable, AlgorithmMixin): """ Represents a feature manifest, and allows to read features for given recordings within particular channels and time ranges. It also keeps information about the feature extractor parameters used to obtain this set. When a given recording/time-range/channel is unavailable, raises a KeyError. """
[docs] def __init__(self, features: Optional[List[Features]] = None) -> None: self.features = ifnone(features, [])
def __eq__(self, other: "FeatureSet") -> bool: return self.features == other.features @property def data(self) -> Union[Dict[str, Features], Iterable[Features]]: """Alias property for ``self.features``""" return self.features
[docs] @staticmethod def from_features(features: Union[Iterable[Features], LazyMixin]) -> "FeatureSet": return ( FeatureSet([f for f in features]) if isinstance(features, LazyMixin) else FeatureSet(list(features)) )
from_items = from_features
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dicts(data: Iterable[dict]) -> "FeatureSet": return FeatureSet( features=[Features.from_dict(feature_data) for feature_data in data] )
[docs] def to_dicts(self) -> Iterable[dict]: return (f.to_dict() for f in self)
[docs] def with_path_prefix(self, path: Pathlike) -> "FeatureSet": return FeatureSet.from_features(f.with_path_prefix(path) for f in self)
[docs] def split( self, num_splits: int, shuffle: bool = False, drop_last: bool = False ) -> List["FeatureSet"]: """ Split the :class:`~lhotse.FeatureSet` into ``num_splits`` pieces of equal size. :param num_splits: Requested number of splits. :param shuffle: Optionally shuffle the recordings order first. :param drop_last: determines how to handle splitting when ``len(seq)`` is not divisible by ``num_splits``. When ``False`` (default), the splits might have unequal lengths. When ``True``, it may discard the last element in some splits to ensure they are equally long. :return: A list of :class:`~lhotse.FeatureSet` pieces. """ return [ FeatureSet.from_features(subset) for subset in split_sequence( self, num_splits=num_splits, shuffle=shuffle, drop_last=drop_last ) ]
[docs] def split_lazy( self, output_dir: Pathlike, chunk_size: int, prefix: str = "" ) -> List["FeatureSet"]: """ Splits a manifest (either lazily or eagerly opened) into chunks, each with ``chunk_size`` items (except for the last one, typically). In order to be memory efficient, this implementation saves each chunk to disk in a ``.jsonl.gz`` format as the input manifest is sampled. .. note:: For lowest memory usage, use ``load_manifest_lazy`` to open the input manifest for this method. :param it: any iterable of Lhotse manifests. :param output_dir: directory where the split manifests are saved. Each manifest is saved at: ``{output_dir}/{prefix}.{split_idx}.jsonl.gz`` :param chunk_size: the number of items in each chunk. :param prefix: the prefix of each manifest. :return: a list of lazily opened chunk manifests. """ return split_manifest_lazy( self, output_dir=output_dir, chunk_size=chunk_size, prefix=prefix )
[docs] def shuffle(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("FeatureSet does not support shuffling.")
[docs] def subset( self, first: Optional[int] = None, last: Optional[int] = None ) -> "FeatureSet": """ Return a new ``FeatureSet`` according to the selected subset criterion. Only a single argument to ``subset`` is supported at this time. :param first: int, the number of first supervisions to keep. :param last: int, the number of last supervisions to keep. :return: a new ``FeatureSet`` with the subset results. """ assert exactly_one_not_null( first, last ), "subset() can handle only one non-None arg." if first is not None: assert first > 0 out = FeatureSet.from_items(islice(self, first)) return out if last is not None: assert last > 0 if last > len(self): return self return FeatureSet.from_features(self.features[-last:])
[docs] def find( self, recording_id: str, channel_id: Union[int, List[int]] = 0, start: Seconds = 0.0, duration: Optional[Seconds] = None, leeway: Seconds = 0.05, ) -> Features: """ Find and return a Features object that best satisfies the search criteria. Raise a KeyError when no such object is available. :param recording_id: str, requested recording ID. :param channel_id: int, requested channel. :param start: float, requested start time in seconds for the feature chunk. :param duration: optional float, requested duration in seconds for the feature chunk. By default, return everything from the start. :param leeway: float, controls how strictly we have to match the requested start and duration criteria. It is necessary to keep a small positive value here (default 0.05s), as there might be differences between the duration of recording/supervision segment, and the duration of features. The latter one is constrained to be a multiple of frame_shift, while the former can be arbitrary. :return: a Features object satisfying the search criteria. """ if duration is not None: end = start + duration # TODO: naive linear search; will likely require optimization candidates = self._index_by_recording_id_and_cache()[recording_id] candidates = ( f for f in candidates if f.channels == channel_id and f.start - leeway <= start < f.end + leeway # filter edge case: start 1.5, features available till 1.0, duration is None ) if duration is not None: candidates = (f for f in candidates if f.end >= end - leeway) candidates = list(candidates) if not candidates: raise KeyError( f"No features available for recording '{recording_id}', channel {channel_id} in time range [{start}s," f" {'end' if duration is None else duration}s]" ) # in case there is more than one candidate feature segment, select the best fit # by minimizing the MSE of the time markers... if duration is not None: feature_info = min( candidates, key=lambda f: (start - f.start) ** 2 + (end - f.end) ** 2 ) else: feature_info = min(candidates, key=lambda f: (start - f.start) ** 2) return feature_info
# This is a cache that significantly speeds up repeated ``find()`` queries. _features_by_recording_id: Optional[Dict[str, List[Features]]] = None def _index_by_recording_id_and_cache(self): if self._features_by_recording_id is None: from cytoolz import groupby self._features_by_recording_id = groupby( lambda feat: feat.recording_id, self ) return self._features_by_recording_id
[docs] def load( self, recording_id: str, channel_id: Union[int, List[int]] = 0, start: Seconds = 0.0, duration: Optional[Seconds] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Find a Features object that best satisfies the search criteria and load the features as a numpy ndarray. Raise a KeyError when no such object is available. """ feature_info = self.find( recording_id=recording_id, channel_id=channel_id, start=start, duration=duration, ) features = feature_info.load(start=start, duration=duration) return features
[docs] def copy_feats(self, writer: FeaturesWriter) -> "FeatureSet": """ For each manifest in this FeatureSet, read the referenced feature array and save it using ``writer``. Returns a copy of the manifest with updated fields related to the feature storage. """ return FeatureSet.from_features(f.copy_feats(writer=writer) for f in self)
[docs] def compute_global_stats( self, storage_path: Optional[Pathlike] = None ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Compute the global means and standard deviations for each feature bin in the manifest. It follows the implementation in scikit-learn: which follows the paper: "Algorithms for computing the sample variance: analysis and recommendations", by Chan, Golub, and LeVeque. :param storage_path: an optional path to a file where the stats will be stored with pickle. :return a dict of ``{'norm_means': np.ndarray, 'norm_stds': np.ndarray}`` with the shape of the arrays equal to the number of feature bins in this manifest. """ return compute_global_stats(feature_manifests=self, storage_path=storage_path)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"FeatureSet(len={len(self)})" def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Features]: return iter(self.features) def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Features: return self.features[i] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.features)
[docs] class FeatureSetBuilder: """ An extended constructor for the FeatureSet. Think of it as a class wrapper for a feature extraction script. It consumes an iterable of Recordings, extracts the features specified by the FeatureExtractor config, and saves stores them on the disk. Eventually, we plan to extend it with the capability to extract only the features in specified regions of recordings and to perform some time-domain data augmentation. """
[docs] def __init__( self, feature_extractor: FeatureExtractor, storage: FeaturesWriter, augment_fn: Optional[AugmentFn] = None, ): self.feature_extractor = feature_extractor = storage self.augment_fn = augment_fn
[docs] def process_and_store_recordings( self, recordings: Sequence[Recording], output_manifest: Optional[Pathlike] = None, num_jobs: int = 1, ) -> FeatureSet: if num_jobs == 1: # Avoid spawning subprocesses for single threaded processing feature_set = FeatureSet.from_features( tqdm( chain.from_iterable( map(self._process_and_store_recording, recordings) ), total=len(recordings), desc="Extracting and storing features", ) ) else: with ProcessPoolExecutor( num_jobs, mp_context=multiprocessing.get_context("spawn") ) as ex: feature_set = FeatureSet.from_features( tqdm( chain.from_iterable(, recordings) ), total=len(recordings), desc="Extracting and storing features in parallel", ) ) if output_manifest is not None: feature_set.to_file(output_manifest) return feature_set
def _process_and_store_recording( self, recording: Recording, ) -> List[Features]: results = [] for channel in recording.channel_ids: results.append( self.feature_extractor.extract_from_recording_and_store( recording=recording,, channels=channel, augment_fn=self.augment_fn, ) ) return results
[docs] def store_feature_array( feats: np.ndarray, storage: FeaturesWriter, ) -> str: """ Store ``feats`` array on disk, using ``lilcom`` compression by default. :param feats: a numpy ndarray containing features. :param storage: a ``FeaturesWriter`` object to use for array storage. :return: a path to the file containing the stored array. """ feats_id = str(uuid4()) storage_key = storage.write(feats_id, feats) return storage_key
[docs] def compute_global_stats( feature_manifests: Iterable[Features], storage_path: Optional[Pathlike] = None ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Compute the global means and standard deviations for each feature bin in the manifest. It performs only a single pass over the data and iteratively updates the estimate of the means and variances. We follow the implementation in scikit-learn: which follows the paper: "Algorithms for computing the sample variance: analysis and recommendations", by Chan, Golub, and LeVeque. :param feature_manifests: an iterable of ``Features`` objects. :param storage_path: an optional path to a file where the stats will be stored with pickle. :return a dict of ``{'norm_means': np.ndarray, 'norm_stds': np.ndarray}`` with the shape of the arrays equal to the number of feature bins in this manifest. """ feature_manifests = iter(feature_manifests) first = next(feature_manifests) stats = StatsAccumulator(feature_dim=first.num_features) for features in chain([first], feature_manifests): # Read the features arr = features.load().astype(np.float64) # Update stats.update(arr) mvn = stats.get() if storage_path is not None: with open(storage_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(mvn, f) return mvn
[docs] class StatsAccumulator:
[docs] def __init__(self, feature_dim: int): self.total_sum = np.zeros((feature_dim,), dtype=np.float64) self.total_unnorm_var = np.zeros((feature_dim,), dtype=np.float64) self.total_frames = 0
[docs] def update(self, arr: np.ndarray) -> None: with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): arr = arr.astype(np.float64) # Update the sum for the means curr_sum = arr.sum(axis=0) updated_total_sum = self.total_sum + curr_sum # Update the number of frames curr_frames = arr.shape[0] updated_total_frames = self.total_frames + curr_frames # Update the unnormalized variance total_over_curr_frames = self.total_frames / curr_frames curr_unnorm_var = np.var(arr, axis=0) * curr_frames if self.total_frames > 0: self.total_unnorm_var = ( self.total_unnorm_var + curr_unnorm_var + total_over_curr_frames / updated_total_frames * (self.total_sum / total_over_curr_frames - curr_sum) ** 2 ) else: self.total_unnorm_var = curr_unnorm_var self.total_sum = updated_total_sum self.total_frames = updated_total_frames
@property def norm_means(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.total_sum / self.total_frames @property def norm_stds(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.sqrt(self.total_unnorm_var / self.total_frames)
[docs] def get(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: return { "norm_means": self.norm_means, "norm_stds": self.norm_stds, }