Source code for

LibriCSS is a multi-talker meeting corpus formed from mixing together LibriSpeech utterances
and replaying in a real meeting room. It consists of 10 1-hour sessions of audio, each
recorded on a 7-channel microphone. The sessions are recorded at a sampling rate of 16 kHz.
For more information, refer to the paper:
Z. Chen et al., "Continuous speech separation: dataset and analysis,"
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
Barcelona, Spain, 2020
import json
import logging
import subprocess
import zipfile
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Union

from tqdm import tqdm

from lhotse import (
from import Recording
from lhotse.utils import Pathlike, fastcopy

# fmt: off
# The following mapping is courtesy Zhuo Chen (Microsoft). It is not available in the original
# LibriCSS dataset. It is useful for preparation of the data in the IHM setting, which consists
# of 8 channels, each belonging to a different speaker. This mapping provides the correspondence
# between the IHM channel and the speaker, which is then used in preparing the supervisions.
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session0_actual0.0": {"1089": 5, "1320": 3, "1580": 0, "4077": 6, "4992": 1, "6829": 2, "6930": 7, "7176": 4},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session1_actual0.0": {"1089": 4, "121": 3, "2961": 0, "3575": 2, "5105": 6, "6829": 5, "8463": 7, "8555": 1},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session2_actual0.0": {"2961": 3, "4970": 0, "5105": 7, "5639": 5, "61": 2, "7176": 6, "7729": 4, "8224": 1},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session3_actual0.0": {"1089": 5, "1320": 4, "260": 3, "5105": 7, "61": 2, "672": 1, "6829": 6, "908": 0},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session4_actual0.0": {"1188": 2, "1221": 6, "1995": 1, "2961": 5, "4507": 7, "4970": 0, "5683": 3, "672": 4},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session5_actual0.0": {"121": 5, "1221": 4, "2300": 2, "237": 3, "4507": 6, "4970": 0, "7021": 1, "8463": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session6_actual0.0": {"260": 5, "3575": 4, "3729": 2, "4507": 6, "4970": 0, "5683": 1, "6829": 7, "7729": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session7_actual0.0": {"121": 4, "2300": 1, "260": 3, "3729": 2, "4077": 5, "8224": 0, "8230": 6, "8463": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session8_actual0.0": {"1188": 2, "1995": 1, "237": 5, "3570": 0, "5639": 6, "5683": 3, "61": 4, "7127": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil0.1_0.5_session9_actual0.0": {"61": 2, "672": 3, "6930": 1, "7021": 0, "7127": 5, "7729": 4, "8230": 6, "8463": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session0_actual0.0": {"121": 7, "260": 5, "3575": 0, "5105": 2, "5683": 1, "6930": 6, "8224": 4, "8230": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session1_actual0.0": {"1284": 6, "1580": 5, "237": 7, "2961": 3, "3575": 0, "4446": 1, "4507": 4, "7127": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session2_actual0.0": {"1188": 4, "121": 6, "1995": 7, "4446": 1, "7021": 5, "7729": 0, "8463": 3, "8555": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session3_actual0.0": {"1995": 7, "2094": 3, "2830": 4, "2961": 2, "3729": 6, "4992": 1, "5105": 0, "7021": 5},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session4_actual0.0": {"1089": 6, "1188": 5, "2961": 2, "7021": 7, "7729": 0, "8230": 1, "8463": 4, "8555": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session5_actual0.0": {"1580": 3, "2094": 2, "260": 6, "3729": 5, "4992": 0, "672": 1, "7021": 4, "8455": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session6_actual0.0": {"1188": 4, "1320": 7, "1995": 6, "2300": 0, "3729": 5, "4507": 2, "7127": 1, "8455": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session7_actual0.0": {"1089": 5, "1320": 7, "2830": 4, "4077": 3, "4992": 2, "7127": 1, "8230": 0, "908": 6},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session8_actual0.0": {"2961": 2, "4992": 1, "5142": 7, "672": 0, "6930": 6, "7176": 5, "8463": 3, "908": 4},
    "overlap_ratio_0.0_sil2.9_3.0_session9_actual0.0": {"1089": 5, "1188": 4, "2300": 0, "260": 7, "4077": 3, "672": 1, "8555": 2, "908": 6},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session0_actual10.1": {"1320": 6, "1995": 1, "260": 7, "4992": 0, "672": 4, "6930": 5, "8455": 2, "8463": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session1_actual10.2": {"1188": 7, "1580": 1, "2094": 5, "3570": 3, "8224": 6, "8463": 4, "8555": 0, "908": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session2_actual10.0": {"1188": 7, "3570": 3, "3729": 1, "5683": 4, "61": 6, "7127": 0, "7729": 5, "8463": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session3_actual10.1": {"1580": 2, "1995": 3, "2300": 1, "3575": 7, "672": 4, "6829": 0, "7729": 6, "8224": 5},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session4_actual10.0": {"1188": 7, "121": 6, "2300": 1, "260": 5, "672": 2, "6829": 0, "7021": 3, "8224": 4},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session5_actual9.9": {"237": 0, "3575": 7, "3729": 3, "4507": 1, "4970": 6, "672": 4, "6930": 5, "8230": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session6_actual9.9": {"1089": 5, "121": 3, "1320": 6, "3575": 7, "4446": 4, "4992": 2, "6829": 0, "8555": 1},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session7_actual10.1": {"121": 7, "1221": 5, "1995": 3, "4077": 0, "61": 1, "7729": 6, "8463": 4, "908": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session8_actual10.0": {"1320": 5, "1580": 1, "2300": 0, "4077": 7, "4446": 3, "672": 4, "7176": 2, "7729": 6},
    "overlap_ratio_10.0_sil0.1_1.0_session9_actual10.0": {"1320": 5, "2830": 3, "3570": 7, "5639": 1, "6930": 4, "8224": 6, "8455": 2, "8555": 0},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session0_actual20.8": {"1089": 2, "121": 1, "1284": 0, "4507": 4, "4970": 7, "6930": 5, "7127": 6, "8555": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session1_actual20.5": {"1089": 0, "1320": 6, "1580": 2, "260": 1, "4446": 4, "5105": 7, "5142": 3, "8224": 5},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session2_actual21.1": {"1580": 2, "2830": 6, "2961": 5, "3570": 7, "4507": 4, "5639": 1, "6829": 3, "8230": 0},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session3_actual20.0": {"1320": 5, "260": 1, "4992": 7, "5105": 6, "5142": 3, "7729": 2, "8455": 4, "908": 0},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session4_actual20.0": {"1089": 1, "1580": 2, "2830": 3, "3570": 7, "3729": 5, "5105": 4, "7127": 6, "8230": 0},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session5_actual19.6": {"1089": 1, "1188": 5, "1284": 0, "2961": 3, "3570": 7, "3575": 6, "61": 2, "8455": 4},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session6_actual20.0": {"121": 0, "4446": 5, "4507": 4, "5105": 7, "6829": 2, "7176": 6, "8224": 3, "8463": 1},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session7_actual20.1": {"2300": 0, "237": 5, "2830": 2, "2961": 1, "4970": 7, "4992": 6, "672": 4, "6930": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session8_actual19.8": {"1221": 2, "1995": 4, "2300": 1, "672": 6, "7127": 7, "8224": 5, "8230": 0, "908": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_20.0_sil0.1_1.0_session9_actual20.7": {"1089": 2, "1284": 0, "4077": 3, "4446": 5, "5105": 7, "5639": 1, "7176": 6, "7729": 4},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session0_actual29.7": {"1089": 1, "1995": 6, "237": 7, "2830": 0, "2961": 4, "3575": 2, "672": 3, "7021": 5},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session1_actual30.4": {"1580": 6, "3575": 4, "4970": 2, "4992": 1, "5142": 5, "7729": 0, "8230": 7, "8455": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session2_actual29.6": {"1284": 6, "1995": 7, "3575": 4, "4507": 2, "5639": 3, "61": 5, "8224": 0, "8463": 1},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session3_actual30.2": {"1320": 7, "2094": 3, "260": 4, "3575": 5, "4446": 6, "5105": 0, "6930": 1, "7729": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session4_actual29.8": {"121": 1, "1320": 7, "260": 6, "2830": 5, "5683": 4, "6829": 0, "8463": 3, "8555": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session5_actual29.7": {"1089": 5, "260": 4, "2830": 3, "3729": 2, "4077": 1, "4446": 6, "8224": 0, "908": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session6_actual30.1": {"2094": 2, "237": 6, "4992": 4, "5683": 3, "61": 5, "6829": 1, "8555": 0, "908": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session7_actual30.2": {"1089": 5, "1188": 1, "1284": 6, "2300": 4, "2830": 2, "3570": 0, "4446": 7, "4970": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session8_actual29.7": {"1188": 1, "1284": 4, "3570": 0, "3575": 3, "4970": 2, "7021": 5, "8230": 6, "908": 7},
    "overlap_ratio_30.0_sil0.1_1.0_session9_actual29.8": {"1188": 2, "1320": 7, "61": 3, "6930": 1, "7021": 4, "7127": 5, "7176": 6, "7729": 0},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session0_actual39.5": {"121": 0, "1284": 7, "1320": 1, "2830": 5, "3729": 6, "4446": 3, "7127": 2, "7729": 4},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session1_actual39.7": {"121": 0, "1580": 2, "237": 3, "260": 1, "4446": 4, "7021": 7, "7729": 5, "8455": 6},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session2_actual41.2": {"1188": 3, "1284": 7, "1320": 4, "260": 1, "4507": 0, "6930": 5, "8224": 6, "8230": 2},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session3_actual40.2": {"1320": 4, "1580": 1, "3575": 2, "4077": 5, "4970": 0, "5105": 7, "7127": 6, "8463": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session4_actual39.0": {"1188": 1, "121": 0, "1995": 2, "3729": 7, "4077": 3, "7729": 5, "8555": 4, "908": 6},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session5_actual42.0": {"1089": 4, "1284": 7, "237": 2, "2961": 6, "4077": 1, "4446": 3, "4507": 0, "8224": 5},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session6_actual39.9": {"1188": 1, "2094": 4, "3575": 5, "4970": 0, "5105": 7, "672": 2, "7021": 6, "8230": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session7_actual40.5": {"1221": 2, "1580": 1, "2830": 6, "5142": 4, "7021": 7, "8230": 0, "8455": 5, "8463": 3},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session8_actual40.5": {"1580": 4, "260": 3, "3729": 7, "4970": 2, "5639": 6, "61": 0, "6930": 5, "8230": 1},
    "overlap_ratio_40.0_sil0.1_1.0_session9_actual39.9": {"1284": 7, "1995": 0, "2961": 6, "3575": 2, "4077": 4, "7176": 1, "8224": 5, "8463": 3}

OVERLAP_RATIOS = ["0L", "0S", "OV10", "OV20", "OV30", "OV40"]
# fmt: on

[docs] def download_libricss(target_dir: Pathlike, force_download: bool = False) -> Path: """ Downloads the LibriCSS data from the Google Drive and extracts it. :param target_dir: the directory where the LibriCSS data will be saved. :param force_download: if True, it will download the LibriCSS data even if it is already present. :return: the path to downloaded and extracted directory with data. """ # Download command (taken from command = """wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1Piioxd5G_85K9Bhcr8ebdhXx0CnaHy7l" -O && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt""" target_dir = Path(target_dir) target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) corpus_zip = target_dir / "" corpus_dir = target_dir / "for_release" if not force_download and corpus_zip.exists():"{corpus_zip} already exists. Skipping download.") else:, shell=True, cwd=target_dir) # Extract the zipped file if not corpus_dir.exists() or force_download:"Extracting {corpus_zip} to {target_dir}") with zipfile.ZipFile(corpus_zip, "r") as corpus_zip: for member in tqdm(corpus_zip.infolist(), desc="Extracting"): corpus_zip.extract(member, target_dir) return target_dir
[docs] def prepare_libricss( corpus_dir: Pathlike, output_dir: Pathlike = None, type: str = "mdm", segmented_cuts: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[RecordingSet, SupervisionSet, CutSet]]]: """ Returns the manifests which consist of the Recordings and Supervisions. When all the manifests are available in the ``output_dir``, it will simply read and return them. NOTE: The recordings contain all 7 channels. If you want to use only one channel, you can use either ``recording.load_audio(channel=0)`` or ``MonoCut(id=...,recording=recording,channel=0)`` while creating the CutSet. :param corpus_dir: Pathlike, the path to the extracted corpus. :param output_dir: Pathlike, the path where to write the manifests. :param type: str, the type of data to prepare ('mdm', 'sdm', 'ihm-mix', or 'ihm'). These settings are similar to the ones in AMI and ICSI recipes. :param segmented_cuts: bool, if True, it will return 1-minute (as described in the original paper) in the form of a CutSet. These are saved under the index ``segments`` in the returned Dict. May be useful for evaluating multi-talker ASR systems, e.g., in this paper: :return: a Dict whose key is the dataset part, and the value is Dicts with the keys 'audio' and 'supervisions'. """ assert type in ["mdm", "sdm", "ihm-mix", "ihm"] corpus_dir = Path(corpus_dir) corpus_dir = ( corpus_dir / "for_release" if corpus_dir.stem != "for_release" else corpus_dir ) recordings = [] segments = [] session_name_map = {} # Map from original session name to simplified name for ov in OVERLAP_RATIOS: for session in (corpus_dir / ov).iterdir(): _, _, _, _, _, name, actual_ov ="_") actual_ov = float(actual_ov.split("actual")[1]) recording_id = f"{ov}_{name}" session_name_map[] = recording_id audio_path = ( session / "clean" / "mix.wav" if type == "ihm-mix" else session / "clean" / "each_spk.wav" if type == "ihm" else session / "record" / "raw_recording.wav" ) recording = Recording.from_file(audio_path, recording_id=recording_id) if type == "sdm": recordings.append(fastcopy(recording, channel_ids=[0])) else: recordings.append(recording) for idx, seg in enumerate( parse_transcript(session / "transcription" / "meeting_info.txt") ): if type == "ihm-mix" or type == "sdm": channel = 0 elif type == "ihm": channel = SPK_TO_CHANNEL_MAP[][seg[2]] else: channel = list(range(7)) segments.append( SupervisionSegment( id=f"{recording_id}-{idx}", recording_id=recording_id, start=seg[0], duration=seg[1] - seg[0], text=seg[4], language="English", speaker=seg[2], channel=channel, ) ) supervisions = SupervisionSet.from_segments(segments) recordings = RecordingSet.from_recordings(recordings) recordings, supervisions = fix_manifests(recordings, supervisions) validate_recordings_and_supervisions(recordings, supervisions) result_dict = {"recordings": recordings, "supervisions": supervisions} if segmented_cuts: segments = defaultdict(list) # Read the segments from the JSON file. The JSON file is a dictionary # with the session name as the key and the value is a list of tuples # with the start and end time of the segments. with open(corpus_dir / "all_res.json", "r") as f: res = json.load(f) for session, segs in res.items(): segments[session_name_map[session]].extend(segs) # Create recording-level cuts. We will then truncate them to create # the 1-minute segments. cuts_reco = CutSet.from_manifests( recordings=recordings, supervisions=supervisions, ) # Now create the 1-minute segments. cuts_segmented = [] for session, session_segments in segments.items(): # Get the recording-level cut session_cut = cuts_reco.filter( lambda c: c.recording_id == session ).to_eager()[0] # Iterate over all the segments and create a new cut for each for idx, seg in enumerate(session_segments): start = seg[0] / 16000 duration = (seg[1] - seg[0]) / 16000 new_cut = session_cut.truncate( offset=start, duration=duration, keep_excessive_supervisions=False, ).with_id(f"{session}-{idx}") cuts_segmented.append(new_cut) # Add the segmented cuts to the result dict cuts_segmented = CutSet.from_cuts(cuts_segmented) result_dict["segments"] = cuts_segmented if output_dir is not None: output_dir = Path(output_dir) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) recordings.to_file(output_dir / f"libricss-{type}_recordings_all.jsonl.gz") supervisions.to_file(output_dir / f"libricss-{type}_supervisions_all.jsonl.gz") if segmented_cuts: cuts_segmented.to_file( output_dir / f"libricss-{type}_segments_all.jsonl.gz" ) return result_dict
def parse_transcript(file_name): """ Parses the transcript file and returns a list of SupervisionSegment objects. """ segments = [] with open(file_name, "r") as f: next(f) # skip the first line for line in f: start, end, speaker, utt_id, text = line.split("\t") segments.append((float(start), float(end), speaker, utt_id, text)) return segments