Source code for

About the Switchboard corpus

    This is conversational telephone speech collected as 2-channel, 8kHz-sampled
    data.  We are using just the Switchboard-1 Phase 1 training data.
    The catalog number LDC97S62 (Switchboard-1 Release 2) corresponds, we believe,
    to what we have.  We also use the Mississippi State transcriptions, which
    we download separately from

    This data is not available for free - your institution needs to have an LDC subscription.
import tarfile
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

from lhotse import fix_manifests, validate_recordings_and_supervisions
from import Recording, RecordingSet
from lhotse.supervision import SupervisionSegment, SupervisionSet
from lhotse.utils import Pathlike, check_and_rglob, resumable_download, safe_extract


[docs] def prepare_switchboard( audio_dir: Pathlike, transcripts_dir: Optional[Pathlike] = None, sentiment_dir: Optional[Pathlike] = None, output_dir: Optional[Pathlike] = None, omit_silence: bool = True, absolute_paths: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Union[RecordingSet, SupervisionSet]]: """ Prepare manifests for the Switchboard corpus. We create two manifests: one with recordings, and the other one with text supervisions. When ``sentiment_dir`` is provided, we create another supervision manifest with sentiment annotations. :param audio_dir: Path to ``LDC97S62`` package. :param transcripts_dir: Path to the transcripts directory (typically named "swb_ms98_transcriptions"). If not provided, the transcripts will be downloaded. :param sentiment_dir: Optional path to ``LDC2020T14`` package which contains sentiment annotations for SWBD segments. :param output_dir: Directory where the manifests should be written. Can be omitted to avoid writing. :param omit_silence: Whether supervision segments with ``[silence]`` token should be removed or kept. :param absolute_paths: Whether to return absolute or relative (to the corpus dir) paths for recordings. :return: A dict with manifests. The keys are: ``{'recordings', 'supervisions'}``. """ if transcripts_dir is None: transcripts_dir = download_and_untar() audio_paths = check_and_rglob(audio_dir, "*.sph") text_paths = check_and_rglob(transcripts_dir, "*trans.text") groups = [] name_to_text = {p.stem.split("-")[0]: p for p in text_paths} for ap in audio_paths: name = ap.stem.replace("sw0", "sw") groups.append( { "audio": ap, "text-0": name_to_text[f"{name}A"], "text-1": name_to_text[f"{name}B"], } ) recordings = RecordingSet.from_recordings( Recording.from_file( group["audio"], relative_path_depth=None if absolute_paths else 3 ) for group in groups ) supervisions = SupervisionSet.from_segments( chain.from_iterable( make_segments( transcript_path=group[f"text-{channel}"], recording=recording, channel=channel, omit_silence=omit_silence, ) for group, recording in zip(groups, recordings) for channel in [0, 1] ) ) recordings, supervisions = fix_manifests(recordings, supervisions) validate_recordings_and_supervisions(recordings, supervisions) if sentiment_dir is not None: parse_and_add_sentiment_labels(sentiment_dir, supervisions) if output_dir is not None: output_dir = Path(output_dir) output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) recordings.to_file(output_dir / "swbd_recordings_all.jsonl.gz") supervisions.to_file(output_dir / "swbd_supervisions_all.jsonl.gz") return {"recordings": recordings, "supervisions": supervisions}
def make_segments( transcript_path: Path, recording: Recording, channel: int, omit_silence: bool = True ): lines = transcript_path.read_text().splitlines() return [ SupervisionSegment( id=segment_id,, start=float(start), duration=round(float(end) - float(start), ndigits=8), channel=channel, text=" ".join(words), language="English", speaker=f"{}A", ) for segment_id, start, end, *words in map(str.split, lines) if words[0] != "[silence]" or not omit_silence ] def download_and_untar( target_dir: Pathlike = ".", force_download: bool = False, url: str = SWBD_TEXT_URL ) -> Path: target_dir = Path(target_dir) transcript_dir = target_dir / "swb_ms98_transcriptions" if transcript_dir.is_dir(): return transcript_dir target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) tar_name = "switchboard_word_alignments.tar.gz" tar_path = target_dir / tar_name resumable_download(url, filename=tar_path, force_download=force_download) with as tar: safe_extract(tar, path=target_dir) return transcript_dir def parse_and_add_sentiment_labels( sentiment_dir: Pathlike, supervisions: SupervisionSet ): """Read 'LDC2020T14' sentiment annotations and add then to the supervision segments.""" import pandas as pd # Sanity checks sentiment_dir = Path(sentiment_dir) labels = sentiment_dir / "data" / "sentiment_labels.tsv" assert sentiment_dir.is_dir() and labels.is_file() # Read the TSV as a dataframe df = pd.read_csv(labels, delimiter="\t", names=["id", "start", "end", "sentiment"]) # We are going to match the segments in LDC2020T14 with the ones we already # parsed from ISIP transcripts. We simply look which of the existing segments # fall into a sentiment-annotated time span. When doing it this way, we use # 51773 out of 52293 available sentiment annotations, which should be okay. for _, row in df.iterrows(): call_id = row["id"].split("_")[0] matches = list( supervisions.find( recording_id=call_id, start_after=row["start"] - 1e-2, end_before=row["end"] + 1e-2, ) ) if not matches: continue labels = row["sentiment"].split("#") # SupervisionSegments returned from .find() are references to the ones in the # SupervisionSet, so we can just modify them. We use the "custom" field # to add the sentiment label. Since there were multiple annotators, # we add all available labels and leave it up to the user to disambiguate them. for segment in matches: segment.custom = {f"sentiment{i}": label for i, label in enumerate(labels)}