Source code for lhotse.shar.readers.tar

import tarfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generator, Optional, Tuple, Union

from lhotse import Features, Recording
from lhotse.array import Array, TemporalArray
from lhotse.serialization import decode_json_line, deserialize_item, open_best
from lhotse.shar.utils import fill_shar_placeholder
from lhotse.utils import Pathlike

Manifest = Union[Recording, Array, TemporalArray, Features]

[docs] class TarIterator: """ TarIterator is a convenience class for reading arrays/audio stored in Lhotse Shar tar files. It is specific to Lhotse Shar format and expects the tar file to have the following structure: * each file is stored in a separate tar member * the file name is the key of the array * every array has two corresponding files: * the metadata: the file extension is ``.json`` and the file contains a Lhotse manifest (Recording, Array, TemporalArray, Features) for the data item. * the data: the file extension is the format of the array, and the file contents are the serialized array (possibly compressed). * the data file can be empty in case some cut did not contain that field. In that case, the data file has extension ``.nodata`` and the manifest file has extension ``.nometa``. * these files are saved one after another, the data is first, and the metadata follows. Iterating over TarReader yields tuples of ``(Optional[manifest], filename)`` where ``manifest`` is a Lhotse manifest with binary data attached to it, and ``filename`` is the name of the data file inside tar archive. """
[docs] def __init__(self, source: Pathlike) -> None: self.source = source
def __iter__( self, ) -> Generator[Tuple[Optional[Manifest], Path], None, None]: with, mode="rb"), mode="r|*") as tar: for ((data, data_path), (meta, meta_path)) in iterate_tarfile_pairwise(tar): if meta is not None: meta = deserialize_item(decode_json_line(meta.decode("utf-8"))) fill_shar_placeholder(manifest=meta, data=data, tarpath=data_path) yield meta, data_path
def iterate_tarfile_pairwise( tar_file: tarfile.TarFile, ) -> Generator[Tuple[Optional[bytes], Optional[Manifest], Path, Path], None, None]: result = [] for tarinfo in tar_file: if len(result) == 2: yield tuple(result) result = [] result.append(parse_tarinfo(tarinfo, tar_file)) if len(result) == 2: yield tuple(result) if len(result) == 1: raise RuntimeError( "Uneven number of files in the tarfile (expected to iterate pairs of binary data + JSON metadata." ) def parse_tarinfo( tarinfo: tarfile.TarInfo, tar_file: tarfile.TarFile ) -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], Path]: """ Parse a tarinfo object and return the data it points to as well as the internal path. """ path = Path(tarinfo.path) if path.suffix == ".nodata" or path.suffix == ".nometa": return None, path data = tar_file.extractfile(tarinfo).read() return data, path