Source code for

import codecs
import json
from io import BytesIO
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from lhotse import Recording
from import (
from lhotse.augmentation import get_or_create_resampler
from lhotse.shar.utils import to_shar_placeholder
from lhotse.shar.writers.tar import TarWriter
from lhotse.utils import is_torchaudio_available

[docs] class AudioTarWriter: """ AudioTarWriter writes audio examples in numpy arrays or PyTorch tensors into a tar archive that is automatically sharded. It is different from :class:`~lhotse.shar.writers.array.ArrayTarWriter` in that it supports audio-specific compression mechanisms, such as ``flac``, ``opus``, ``mp3``, or ``wav``. Example:: >>> with AudioTarWriter("some_dir/audio.%06d.tar", shard_size=100, format="mp3") as w: ... w.write("audio1", audio1_array) ... w.write("audio2", audio2_array) # etc. It would create files such as ``some_dir/audio.000000.tar``, ``some_dir/audio.000001.tar``, etc. It's also possible to use ``AudioTarWriter`` with automatic sharding disabled:: >>> with AudioTarWriter("some_dir/audio.tar", shard_size=None, format="flac") as w: ... w.write("audio1", audio1_array) ... w.write("audio2", audio2_array) # etc. See also: :class:`~lhotse.shar.writers.tar.TarWriter`, :class:`~lhotse.shar.writers.array.ArrayTarWriter` """
[docs] def __init__( self, pattern: str, shard_size: Optional[int] = 1000, format: Literal["wav", "flac", "mp3", "opus"] = "flac", ): self.format = format self.tar_writer = TarWriter(pattern, shard_size)
def __enter__(self): self.tar_writer.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): self.tar_writer.close()
@property def output_paths(self) -> List[str]: return self.tar_writer.output_paths
[docs] def write_placeholder(self, key: str) -> None: self.tar_writer.write(f"{key}.nodata", BytesIO()) self.tar_writer.write(f"{key}.nometa", BytesIO(), count=False)
[docs] def write( self, key: str, value: np.ndarray, sampling_rate: int, manifest: Recording, ) -> None: value, manifest, sampling_rate = self._maybe_resample( value, manifest, sampling_rate ) # Write binary data stream = BytesIO() save_audio( dest=stream, src=value, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, format=self.format ) self.tar_writer.write(f"{key}.{self.format}", stream) # Write text manifest afterwards manifest = to_shar_placeholder(manifest) json_stream = BytesIO() print( json.dumps(manifest.to_dict()), file=codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(json_stream), ) self.tar_writer.write(f"{key}.json", json_stream, count=False)
def _maybe_resample( self, audio: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], manifest: Recording, sampling_rate: int, ) -> Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], Recording, int]: # Resampling is required for some versions of OPUS encoders. # First resample the manifest which only adjusts the metadata; # then resample the audio array to 48kHz. OPUS_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE = 48000 if ( self.format == "opus" and is_torchaudio_available() and not isinstance(get_current_audio_backend(), LibsndfileBackend) and sampling_rate != OPUS_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE ): manifest = manifest.resample(OPUS_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE) audio = get_or_create_resampler(sampling_rate, OPUS_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE)( torch.as_tensor(audio) ) return audio, manifest, OPUS_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE return audio, manifest, sampling_rate