Source code for lhotse.shar.writers.tar

import logging
import tarfile
from io import BytesIO
from typing import List, Optional

from lhotse.serialization import open_best

[docs] class TarWriter: """ TarWriter is a convenience wrapper over :class:`tarfile.TarFile` that allows writing binary data into tar files that are automatically segmented. Each segment is a separate tar file called a "shard." Shards are useful in training of deep learning models that require a substantial amount of data. Each shard can be read sequentially, which allows faster reads from magnetic disks, NFS, or otherwise slow storage. Example:: >>> with TarWriter("some_dir/data.%06d.tar", shard_size=100) as w: ... w.write("blob1", binary_blob1) ... w.write("blob2", binary_blob2) # etc. It would create files such as ``some_dir/data.000000.tar``, ``some_dir/data.000001.tar``, etc. It's also possible to use ``TarWriter`` with automatic sharding disabled:: >>> with TarWriter("some_dir/data.tar", shard_size=None) as w: ... w.write("blob1", binary_blob1) ... w.write("blob2", binary_blob2) # etc. This class is heavily inspired by the WebDataset library: """
[docs] def __init__(self, pattern: str, shard_size: Optional[int] = 1000): self.pattern = str(pattern) if self.sharding_enabled and shard_size is None: raise RuntimeError( "shard_size must be specified when sharding is enabled via a formatting marker such as '%06d'" ) if not self.sharding_enabled and shard_size is not None: logging.warning( "Sharding is disabled because `pattern` doesn't contain a formatting marker (e.g., '%06d'), " "but shard_size is not None - ignoring shard_size." ) self.shard_size = shard_size self.gzip = self.pattern.endswith(".gz") self.reset()
@property def sharding_enabled(self) -> bool: return "%" in self.pattern
[docs] def reset(self): self.fname = None = None self.tarstream = None self.num_shards = 0 self.num_items = 0 self.num_items_total = 0
def __enter__(self): self.reset() return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): if self.tarstream is not None: self.tarstream.close() if is not None:
def _next_stream(self): self.close() if self.sharding_enabled: self.fname = self.pattern % self.num_shards self.num_shards += 1 else: self.fname = self.pattern = open_best(self.fname, "wb") self.tarstream =, mode="w|gz" if self.gzip else "w|" ) self.num_items = 0 @property def output_paths(self) -> List[str]: if self.sharding_enabled: return [self.pattern % i for i in range(self.num_shards)] return [self.pattern]
[docs] def write(self, key: str, data: BytesIO, count: bool = True): if count and ( # the first item written self.num_items_total == 0 or ( # desired shard size achieved self.sharding_enabled and self.num_items > 0 and self.num_items % self.shard_size == 0 ) ): self._next_stream() ti = tarfile.TarInfo(key) ti.size = len(data.getvalue()) self.tarstream.addfile(ti, data) if count: self.num_items += 1 self.num_items_total += 1