Source code for lhotse.features.kaldi.extractors

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from lhotse.features.base import FeatureExtractor, register_extractor
from lhotse.features.kaldi.layers import Wav2LogFilterBank, Wav2MFCC
from lhotse.utils import EPSILON, Seconds

class KaldiFbankConfig:
    sampling_rate: int = 16000
    frame_length: Seconds = 0.025
    frame_shift: Seconds = 0.01
    fft_length: int = 512
    remove_dc_offset: bool = True
    preemph_coeff: float = 0.97
    window_type: str = "povey"
    dither: float = 0.0
    snip_edges: bool = False
    energy_floor: float = EPSILON
    raw_energy: bool = True
    use_energy: bool = False
    use_fft_mag: bool = False
    low_freq: float = 20.0
    high_freq: float = -400.0
    num_filters: int = 80
    norm_filters: bool = False

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return asdict(self)

    def from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "KaldiFbankConfig":
        return KaldiFbankConfig(**data)

[docs]@register_extractor class KaldiFbank(FeatureExtractor): name = "kaldi-fbank" config_type = KaldiFbankConfig
[docs] def __init__(self, config: Optional[KaldiFbankConfig] = None): super().__init__(config=config) self.extractor = Wav2LogFilterBank(**asdict(self.config))
@property def frame_shift(self) -> Seconds: return self.config.frame_shift
[docs] def feature_dim(self, sampling_rate: int) -> int: return self.config.num_filters
[docs] def extract( self, samples: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], sampling_rate: int ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: assert sampling_rate == self.config.sampling_rate, ( f"KaldiFbank was instantiated for sampling_rate " f"{self.config.sampling_rate}, but " f"sampling_rate={sampling_rate} was passed to extract()." ) is_numpy = False if not isinstance(samples, torch.Tensor): samples = torch.from_numpy(samples) is_numpy = True feats = self.extractor(samples)[0] if is_numpy: return feats.cpu().numpy() else: return feats
[docs] @staticmethod def mix( features_a: np.ndarray, features_b: np.ndarray, energy_scaling_factor_b: float ) -> np.ndarray: return np.log( np.maximum( # protection against log(0); max with EPSILON is adequate since these are energies (always >= 0) EPSILON, np.exp(features_a) + energy_scaling_factor_b * np.exp(features_b), ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_energy(features: np.ndarray) -> float: return float(np.sum(np.exp(features)))
@dataclass class KaldiMfccConfig: sampling_rate: int = 16000 frame_length: Seconds = 0.025 frame_shift: Seconds = 0.01 fft_length: int = 512 remove_dc_offset: bool = True preemph_coeff: float = 0.97 window_type: str = "povey" dither: float = 0.0 snip_edges: bool = False energy_floor: float = EPSILON raw_energy: bool = True use_energy: bool = False use_fft_mag: bool = False low_freq: float = 20.0 high_freq: float = -400.0 num_filters: int = 23 norm_filters: bool = False num_ceps: int = 13 cepstral_lifter: int = 22 def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return asdict(self) @staticmethod def from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "KaldiMfccConfig": return KaldiMfccConfig(**data)
[docs]@register_extractor class KaldiMfcc(FeatureExtractor): name = "kaldi-mfcc" config_type = KaldiMfccConfig
[docs] def __init__(self, config: Optional[KaldiMfccConfig] = None): super().__init__(config=config) self.extractor = Wav2MFCC(**asdict(self.config))
@property def frame_shift(self) -> Seconds: return self.config.frame_shift
[docs] def feature_dim(self, sampling_rate: int) -> int: return self.config.num_ceps
[docs] def extract( self, samples: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], sampling_rate: int ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: assert sampling_rate == self.config.sampling_rate, ( f"KaldiFbank was instantiated for sampling_rate " f"{self.config.sampling_rate}, but " f"sampling_rate={sampling_rate} was passed to extract()." ) is_numpy = False if not isinstance(samples, torch.Tensor): samples = torch.from_numpy(samples) is_numpy = True feats = self.extractor(samples)[0] if is_numpy: return feats.cpu().numpy() else: return feats