Source code for lhotse.dataset.collation

from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss

from lhotse import CutSet
from lhotse.cut import MixedCut

[docs]class TokenCollater: """Collate list of tokens Map sentences to integers. Sentences are padded to equal length. Beginning and end-of-sequence symbols can be added. Call .inverse(tokens_batch, tokens_lens) to reconstruct batch as string sentences. Example: >>> token_collater = TokenCollater(cuts) >>> tokens_batch, tokens_lens = token_collater(cuts.subset(first=32)) >>> original_sentences = token_collater.inverse(tokens_batch, tokens_lens) Returns: tokens_batch: IntTensor of shape (B, L) B: batch dimensoion, number of input sentences L: length of the longest sentence tokens_lens: IntTensor of shape (B,) Length of each sentence after adding <eos> and <bos> but before padding. """
[docs] def __init__( self, cuts: CutSet, add_eos: bool = True, add_bos: bool = True, pad_symbol: str = "<pad>", bos_symbol: str = "<bos>", eos_symbol: str = "<eos>", unk_symbol: str = "<unk>", ): self.pad_symbol = pad_symbol self.bos_symbol = bos_symbol self.eos_symbol = eos_symbol self.unk_symbol = unk_symbol self.add_eos = add_eos self.add_bos = add_bos tokens = { char for cut in cuts for char in cut.supervisions[0].text } tokens_unique = ( [pad_symbol, unk_symbol] + ([bos_symbol] if add_bos else []) + ([eos_symbol] if add_eos else []) + sorted(tokens) ) self.token2idx = {token: idx for idx, token in enumerate(tokens_unique)} self.idx2token = [token for token in tokens_unique]
def __call__(self, cuts: CutSet) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: token_sequences = [ " ".join(supervision.text for supervision in cut.supervisions) for cut in cuts ] max_len = len(max(token_sequences, key=len)) seqs = [ ([self.bos_symbol] if self.add_bos else []) + list(seq) + ([self.eos_symbol] if self.add_eos else []) + [self.pad_symbol] * (max_len - len(seq)) for seq in token_sequences ] tokens_batch = torch.from_numpy(np.array([ [self.token2idx[token] for token in seq] for seq in seqs ], dtype=np.int64)) tokens_lens = torch.IntTensor([ len(seq) + int(self.add_eos) + int(self.add_bos) for seq in token_sequences ]) return tokens_batch, tokens_lens
[docs] def inverse(self, tokens_batch: torch.LongTensor, tokens_lens: torch.IntTensor) -> List[str]: start = 1 if self.add_bos else 0 sentences = [ "".join([ self.idx2token[idx] for idx in tokens_list[start:end - int(self.add_eos)] ]) for tokens_list, end in zip(tokens_batch, tokens_lens) ] return sentences
[docs]def collate_features( cuts: CutSet, pad_direction: str = 'right' ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.IntTensor]: """ Load features for all the cuts and return them as a batch in a torch tensor. The output shape is ``(batch, time, features)``. The cuts will be padded with silence if necessary. :param cuts: a :class:`CutSet` used to load the features. :param pad_direction: where to apply the padding (``right``, ``left``, or ``both``). :return: a tuple of tensors ``(features, features_lens)``. """ assert all(cut.has_features for cut in cuts) features_lens = torch.tensor([cut.num_frames for cut in cuts], cuts = maybe_pad(cuts, num_frames=max(features_lens).item(), direction=pad_direction) first_cut = next(iter(cuts)) features = torch.empty(len(cuts), first_cut.num_frames, first_cut.num_features) for idx, cut in enumerate(cuts): features[idx] = torch.from_numpy(cut.load_features()) return features, features_lens
[docs]def collate_audio( cuts: CutSet, pad_direction: str = 'right' ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.IntTensor]: """ Load audio samples for all the cuts and return them as a batch in a torch tensor. The output shape is ``(batch, time)``. The cuts will be padded with silence if necessary. :param cuts: a :class:`CutSet` used to load the audio samples. :param pad_direction: where to apply the padding (``right``, ``left``, or ``both``). :return: a tuple of tensors ``(audio, audio_lens)``. """ assert all(cut.has_recording for cut in cuts) audio_lens = torch.tensor([cut.num_samples for cut in cuts], dtype=torch.int32) cuts = maybe_pad(cuts, num_samples=max(audio_lens).item(), direction=pad_direction) first_cut = next(iter(cuts)) audio = torch.empty(len(cuts), first_cut.num_samples) for idx, cut in enumerate(cuts): audio[idx] = torch.from_numpy(cut.load_audio()[0]) return audio, audio_lens
[docs]def collate_multi_channel_features(cuts: CutSet) -> torch.Tensor: """ Load features for all the cuts and return them as a batch in a torch tensor. The cuts have to be of type ``MixedCut`` and their tracks will be interpreted as individual channels. The output shape is ``(batch, channel, time, features)``. The cuts will be padded with silence if necessary. """ assert all(cut.has_features for cut in cuts) assert all(isinstance(cut, MixedCut) for cut in cuts) cuts = maybe_pad(cuts) # Output tensor shape: (B, C, T, F) -> (batch_size, num_channels, num_frames, num_features) first_cut = next(iter(cuts)) # TODO: make MixedCut more friendly to use with multi channel audio; # discount PaddingCuts in "tracks" when specifying the number of channels features = torch.empty(len(cuts), len(first_cut.tracks), first_cut.num_frames, first_cut.num_features) for idx, cut in enumerate(cuts): features[idx] = torch.from_numpy(cut.load_features(mixed=False)) return features
[docs]def collate_multi_channel_audio(cuts: CutSet) -> torch.Tensor: """ Load audio samples for all the cuts and return them as a batch in a torch tensor. The cuts have to be of type ``MixedCut`` and their tracks will be interpreted as individual channels. The output shape is ``(batch, channel, time)``. The cuts will be padded with silence if necessary. """ assert all(cut.has_recording for cut in cuts) assert all(isinstance(cut, MixedCut) for cut in cuts) cuts = maybe_pad(cuts) first_cut = next(iter(cuts)) audio = torch.empty(len(cuts), len(first_cut.tracks), first_cut.num_samples) for idx, cut in enumerate(cuts): audio[idx] = torch.from_numpy(cut.load_audio()) return audio
[docs]def collate_vectors( tensors: Iterable[Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]], padding_value: Union[int, float] = CrossEntropyLoss().ignore_index, matching_shapes: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert an iterable of 1-D tensors (of possibly various lengths) into a single stacked tensor. :param tensors: an iterable of 1-D tensors. :param padding_value: the padding value inserted to make all tensors have the same length. :param matching_shapes: when ``True``, will fail when input tensors have different shapes. :return: a tensor with shape ``(B, L)`` where ``B`` is the number of input tensors and ``L`` is the number of items in the longest tensor. """ tensors = [t if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) else torch.from_numpy(t) for t in tensors] assert all(len(t.shape) == 1 for t in tensors), "Expected only 1-D input tensors." longest = max(tensors, key=lambda t: t.shape[0]) if matching_shapes: assert all(t.shape == longest.shape for t in tensors), \ "All tensors must have the same shape when matching_shapes is set to True." result = longest.new_ones(len(tensors), longest.shape[0]) * padding_value for i, t in enumerate(tensors): result[i, :t.shape[0]] = t return result
[docs]def collate_matrices( tensors: Iterable[Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]], padding_value: Union[int, float] = 0, matching_shapes: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert an iterable of 2-D tensors (of possibly various first dimension, but consistent second dimension) into a single stacked tensor. :param tensors: an iterable of 2-D tensors. :param padding_value: the padding value inserted to make all tensors have the same length. :param matching_shapes: when ``True``, will fail when input tensors have different shapes. :return: a tensor with shape ``(B, L, F)`` where ``B`` is the number of input tensors, ``L`` is the largest found shape[0], and ``F`` is equal to shape[1]. """ tensors = [t if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) else torch.from_numpy(t) for t in tensors] assert all(len(t.shape) == 2 for t in tensors), "Expected only 2-D input tensors." longest = max(tensors, key=lambda t: t.shape[0]) if matching_shapes: assert all(t.shape == longest.shape for t in tensors), \ "All tensors must have the same shape when matching_shapes is set to True." result = longest.new_ones(len(tensors), *longest.shape) * padding_value for i, t in enumerate(tensors): result[i, :t.shape[0]] = t return result
[docs]def maybe_pad( cuts: CutSet, duration: int = None, num_frames: int = None, num_samples: int = None, direction: str = 'right' ) -> CutSet: """Check if all cuts' durations are equal and pad them to match the longest cut otherwise.""" if len(set(c.duration for c in cuts)) == 1: # All cuts are of equal duration: nothing to do return cuts # Non-equal durations: silence padding return cuts.pad( duration=duration, num_frames=num_frames, num_samples=num_samples, direction=direction )