Source code for lhotse.dataset.signal_transforms

import bisect
import math
import random
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, Dict

import numpy as np
import torch

from lhotse import CutSet
from lhotse.utils import Pathlike

__all__ = ["GlobalMVN", "SpecAugment", "RandomizedSmoothing"]

[docs]class GlobalMVN(torch.nn.Module): """Apply global mean and variance normalization"""
[docs] def __init__(self, feature_dim: int): super().__init__() self.feature_dim = feature_dim self.register_buffer("norm_means", torch.zeros(feature_dim)) self.register_buffer("norm_stds", torch.ones(feature_dim))
[docs] @classmethod def from_cuts(cls, cuts: CutSet, max_cuts: Optional[int] = None) -> "GlobalMVN": stats = cuts.compute_global_feature_stats(max_cuts=max_cuts) stats = {name: torch.as_tensor(value) for name, value in stats.items()} (feature_dim,) = stats["norm_means"].shape global_mvn = cls(feature_dim) global_mvn.load_state_dict(stats) return global_mvn
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, stats_file: Pathlike) -> "GlobalMVN": stats = torch.load(stats_file) (feature_dim,) = stats["norm_means"].shape global_mvn = cls(feature_dim) global_mvn.load_state_dict(stats) return global_mvn
[docs] def to_file(self, stats_file: Pathlike):, stats_file)
[docs] def forward( self, features: torch.Tensor, supervision_segments: Optional[torch.IntTensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: return (features - self.norm_means) / self.norm_stds
[docs] def inverse(self, features: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return features * self.norm_stds + self.norm_means
[docs]class RandomizedSmoothing(torch.nn.Module): """ Randomized smoothing - gaussian noise added to an input waveform, or a batch of waveforms. The summed audio is clipped to ``[-1.0, 1.0]`` before returning. """
[docs] def __init__( self, sigma: Union[float, Sequence[Tuple[int, float]]] = 0.1, sample_sigma: bool = True, p: float = 0.3, ): """ RandomizedSmoothing's constructor. :param sigma: standard deviation of the gaussian noise. Either a constant float, or a schedule, i.e. a list of tuples that specify which value to use from which step. For example, ``[(0, 0.01), (1000, 0.1)]`` means that from steps 0-999, the sigma value will be 0.01, and from step 1000 onwards, it will be 0.1. :param sample_sigma: when ``False``, then sigma is used as the standard deviation in each forward step. When ``True``, the standard deviation is sampled from a uniform distribution of ``[-sigma, sigma]`` for each forward step. :param p: the probability of applying this transform. """ super().__init__() self.sigma = sigma self.sample_sigma = sample_sigma self.p = p self.step = 0
[docs] def forward(self, audio: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: # Determine the stddev value if isinstance(self.sigma, float): # Use a constant stddev value sigma = self.sigma else: # Determine the right stddev value from a given schedule. sigma = schedule_value_for_step(self.sigma, self.step) self.step += 1 if self.sample_sigma: # In this mode stddev is stochastic itself # and is sampled from uniform distribution bounded by [-sigma, sigma] . mask_shape = (audio.shape[0],) + tuple(1 for _ in audio.shape[1:]) # Sigma is of shape (batch_size, 1) - different for each noise example. sigma = sigma * (2 * torch.rand(mask_shape) - 1) # Create the random noise examples with identical sigma's. noise = sigma * torch.randn_like(audio) # Apply the transform with a probability p -> mask noise examples with probability 1 - p. noise_mask = random_mask_along_batch_axis(noise, p=1.0 - self.p) noise = noise * noise_mask return torch.clip(audio + noise, min=-1.0, max=1.0)
[docs]class SpecAugment(torch.nn.Module): """ SpecAugment performs three augmentations: - time warping of the feature matrix - masking of ranges of features (frequency bands) - masking of ranges of frames (time) The current implementation works with batches, but processes each example separately in a loop rather than simultaneously to achieve different augmentation parameters for each example. """
[docs] def __init__( self, time_warp_factor: Optional[int] = 80, num_feature_masks: int = 2, features_mask_size: int = 27, num_frame_masks: int = 10, frames_mask_size: int = 100, max_frames_mask_fraction: float = 0.15, p=0.9, ): """ SpecAugment's constructor. :param time_warp_factor: parameter for the time warping; larger values mean more warping. Set to ``None``, or less than ``1``, to disable. :param num_feature_masks: how many feature masks should be applied. Set to ``0`` to disable. :param features_mask_size: the width of the feature mask (expressed in the number of masked feature bins). This is the ``F`` parameter from the SpecAugment paper. :param num_frame_masks: the number of masking regions for utterances. Set to ``0`` to disable. :param frames_mask_size: the width of the frame (temporal) masks (expressed in the number of masked frames). This is the ``T`` parameter from the SpecAugment paper. :param max_frames_mask_fraction: limits the size of the frame (temporal) mask to this value times the length of the utterance (or supervision segment). This is the parameter denoted by ``p`` in the SpecAugment paper. :param p: the probability of applying this transform. It is different from ``p`` in the SpecAugment paper! """ super().__init__() assert 0 <= p <= 1 assert num_feature_masks >= 0 assert num_frame_masks > 0 assert features_mask_size > 0 assert frames_mask_size > 0 self.time_warp_factor = time_warp_factor self.num_feature_masks = num_feature_masks self.features_mask_size = features_mask_size self.num_frame_masks = num_frame_masks self.frames_mask_size = frames_mask_size self.max_frames_mask_fraction = max_frames_mask_fraction self.p = p
[docs] def forward( self, features: torch.Tensor, supervision_segments: Optional[torch.IntTensor] = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes SpecAugment for a batch of feature matrices. Since the batch will usually already be padded, the user can optionally provide a ``supervision_segments`` tensor that will be used to apply SpecAugment only to selected areas of the input. The format of this input is described below. :param features: a batch of feature matrices with shape ``(B, T, F)``. :param supervision_segments: an int tensor of shape ``(S, 3)``. ``S`` is the number of supervision segments that exist in ``features`` -- there may be either less or more than the batch size. The second dimension encoder three kinds of information: the sequence index of the corresponding feature matrix in `features`, the start frame index, and the number of frames for each segment. :return: an augmented tensor of shape ``(B, T, F)``. """ assert len(features.shape) == 3, ( "SpecAugment only supports batches of " "single-channel feature matrices." ) features = features.clone() if supervision_segments is None: # No supervisions - apply spec augment to full feature matrices. for sequence_idx in range(features.size(0)): features[sequence_idx] = self._forward_single(features[sequence_idx]) else: # Supervisions provided - we will apply time warping only on the supervised areas. for sequence_idx, start_frame, num_frames in supervision_segments: end_frame = start_frame + num_frames features[sequence_idx, start_frame:end_frame] = self._forward_single( features[sequence_idx, start_frame:end_frame], warp=True, mask=False ) # ... and then time-mask the full feature matrices. Note that in this mode, # it might happen that masks are applied to different sequences/examples # than the time warping. for sequence_idx in range(features.size(0)): features[sequence_idx] = self._forward_single( features[sequence_idx], warp=False, mask=True ) return features
def _forward_single( self, features: torch.Tensor, warp: bool = True, mask: bool = True ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Apply SpecAugment to a single feature matrix of shape (T, F). """ if random.random() > self.p: # Randomly choose whether this transform is applied return features if warp: if self.time_warp_factor is not None and self.time_warp_factor >= 1: features = time_warp(features, factor=self.time_warp_factor) if mask: mean = features.mean() # Frequency masking features = mask_along_axis_optimized( features, mask_size=self.features_mask_size, mask_times=self.num_feature_masks, mask_value=mean, axis=2, ) # Time masking max_tot_mask_frames = self.max_frames_mask_fraction * features.size(0) num_frame_masks = min( self.num_frame_masks, math.ceil(max_tot_mask_frames / self.frames_mask_size), ) max_mask_frames = min( self.frames_mask_size, max_tot_mask_frames // num_frame_masks ) features = mask_along_axis_optimized( features, mask_size=max_mask_frames, mask_times=num_frame_masks, mask_value=mean, axis=1, ) return features
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> Dict: return dict( time_warp_factor=self.time_warp_factor, num_feature_masks=self.num_feature_masks, features_mask_size=self.features_mask_size, num_frame_masks=self.num_frame_masks, frames_mask_size=self.frames_mask_size, max_frames_mask_fraction=self.max_frames_mask_fraction, p=self.p, )
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict): self.time_warp_factor = state_dict.get( "time_warp_factor", self.time_warp_factor ) self.num_feature_masks = state_dict.get( "num_feature_masks", self.num_feature_masks ) self.features_mask_size = state_dict.get( "features_mask_size", self.features_mask_size ) self.num_frame_masks = state_dict.get("num_frame_masks", self.num_frame_masks) self.frames_mask_size = state_dict.get( "frames_mask_size", self.frames_mask_size ) self.max_frames_mask_fraction = state_dict.get( "max_frames_mask_fraction", self.max_frames_mask_fraction ) self.p = state_dict.get("p", self.p)
def mask_along_axis_optimized( features: torch.Tensor, mask_size: int, mask_times: int, mask_value: float, axis: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Apply Frequency and Time masking along axis. Frequency and Time masking as described in the SpecAugment paper. :param features: input tensor of shape ``(T, F)`` :mask_size: the width size for masking. :mask_times: the number of masking regions. :mask_value: Value to assign to the masked regions. :axis: Axis to apply masking on (1 -> time, 2 -> frequency) """ if axis not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Only Frequency and Time masking are supported!") features = features.unsqueeze(0) features = features.reshape([-1] + list(features.size()[-2:])) values = torch.randint(int(0), int(mask_size), (1, mask_times)) min_values = torch.rand(1, mask_times) * (features.size(axis) - values) mask_starts = (min_values.long()).squeeze() mask_ends = (min_values.long() + values.long()).squeeze() if axis == 1: if mask_times == 1: features[:, mask_starts:mask_ends] = mask_value return features.squeeze(0) for (mask_start, mask_end) in zip(mask_starts, mask_ends): features[:, mask_start:mask_end] = mask_value else: if mask_times == 1: features[:, :, mask_starts:mask_ends] = mask_value return features.squeeze(0) for (mask_start, mask_end) in zip(mask_starts, mask_ends): features[:, :, mask_start:mask_end] = mask_value features = features.squeeze(0) return features def time_warp(features: torch.Tensor, factor: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Time warping as described in the SpecAugment paper. Implementation based on Espresso: :param features: input tensor of shape ``(T, F)`` :param factor: time warping parameter. :return: a warped tensor of shape ``(T, F)`` """ t = features.size(0) if t - factor <= factor + 1: return features center = np.random.randint(factor + 1, t - factor) warped = np.random.randint(center - factor, center + factor + 1) if warped == center: return features features = features.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) left = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( features[:, :, :center, :], size=(warped, features.size(3)), mode="bicubic", align_corners=False, ) right = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( features[:, :, center:, :], size=(t - warped, features.size(3)), mode="bicubic", align_corners=False, ) return, right), dim=2).squeeze(0).squeeze(0) T = TypeVar("T") def schedule_value_for_step(schedule: Sequence[Tuple[int, T]], step: int) -> T: milestones, values = zip(*schedule) assert milestones[0] <= step, ( f"Cannot determine the scheduled value for step {step} with schedule: {schedule}. " f"Did you forget to add the first part of the schedule " f"for steps below {milestones[0]}?" ) idx = bisect.bisect_right(milestones, step) - 1 return values[idx] def random_mask_along_batch_axis(tensor: torch.Tensor, p: float = 0.5) -> torch.Tensor: """ For a given tensor with shape (N, d1, d2, d3, ...), returns a mask with shape (N, 1, 1, 1, ...), that randomly masks the samples in a batch. E.g. for a 2D input matrix it looks like: >>> [[0., 0., 0., ...], ... [1., 1., 1., ...], ... [0., 0., 0., ...]] :param tensor: the input tensor. :param p: the probability of masking an element. """ mask_shape = (tensor.shape[0],) + tuple(1 for _ in tensor.shape[1:]) mask = (torch.rand(mask_shape) > p).to(torch.float32) return mask